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‘Beauty shouldn’t cost the earth’   

This phrase takes on a double meaning when it comes to creating an environmentally friendly skincare and beauty routine. Palm Oil is an ingredient that most eco-aware and environmentally-friendly companies have opposed using in more recent years. This is due to its growth and manufacture. We are Nutrified are proud to have palmed off palm oil for good! 

Palm oil is the lipid extract of the palm kernel, grown on palm trees. It’s a common mistake to confuse palm and coconut oil. Coconut is the fruit of a coconut palm tree. Coconut oil is extracted from here, whereas palm oil is made from the fruit of the palm tree. 

Palm oil kernels grow in humid temperatures close to the equator in areas such as Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia.    

The Environmental Impact of Palm Oil:

Land Use and Deforestation 

Due to the increase in demand for palm oil, used in food, energy, cleaning products and cosmetics, areas of around the equator have cleared land to produce more and more. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the production of palm oil has contributed to 5% of tropical deforestation, and 2.3% of global deforestation. Deforestation has gross impacts on mother nature including habitat destruction, a decrease in biodiversity, increased flooding, soil leaching, increased greenhouse gases and more. In fact, mass clearing of forestry is often done by controlled fires which in turn contributes to emissions.  

Animal Welfare

Due to habitat destruction and rising pressures of climate change, endemic animals are paying the price of palm oil. The Orangutan Foundation estimates that each year palm oil production kills between 1000-5000 orangutans.  But it’s not just Orangutans, the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) has identified due to the growing demand for palm oil, the threat of extinction may also affect the Sumatran elephant, Bornean pygmy elephant, Sumatran rhino, and Sumatran tiger.  

Fairtrade, Fair Work and Fair Pay 

According to the organisation ‘Palm oil done right’, if personal, domestic or communal land is deemed to be suitable to supply palm oil, the locals are paid very little money in return for their land. Especially when compared with the cost of the palm oil yield when sold into the industry. An even more frightening statistic is that ‘small farmers produce more than 70% of the world’s food supply, yet represent over 50% of the world’s hungriest people.

Palm oil is neither ethical nor necessary. There are sustainable alternatives that do the most for your body, your mind and your world.  

Alternatives to palm oil 

  • Coconut Oil 
  • Shea Butter 
  • Sal Oil 
  • Jojoba Oil 
  • Mango Kernel Oil 

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